United Atheists of Awesome Wiki

Welcome to the United Antarticans of Awesome Wiki

The United Antarticans of Awesome are an organisation of atheists engaged in the eternal fight against neds, creationists and general morons.

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Flag of the U.A.A

The United Antarticans of Awesome, or U.A.A, is an Antartican political organisation aimed at the cleansing of the earth of certain groups within society, namely. creationists, neds and general plebs. They have also stated a goal of generally making the world more awesome. The offiicial animal of the U.A.A is the beaver and the official religion is Lampology.


The U.A.A was founded by it's immortal founders, Lord Smiffington, PandaLord Odin Oldman, Wagon Warrior and Fëanor Cunter each with their own story behind them.

U.A.A Logo
